Monday, February 28, 2011

Nature- Just What the Doctor Ordered

Today's USA Today has a very interesting story about a national consortium of federal parks and the National Environmental Education Foundation and a new program they are trying, where people are giving "nature prescriptions." The prescriptions encourage patients to eat more fruits & vegetables, step away from the TV or computer and go outside and breathe fresh air, awaken their senses and lose some weight in the process. That sounds a whole lot like a typical day at Camp Anokijig.

We often forget it when we spend so much time at Anokijig, but just the layout of our facility almost necessitates that our campers will walk several miles each day, just going from their section to Western Lodge and around to various program areas. Anokijig's kitchen staff always offers healthy items and vegetarian options and our natural surroundings promote activity amongst our campers.

The story continues to talk about the significant obesity problem our country faces and nature hikes up hills that will "get your heart racing." Nestled in the rolling hills of Wisconsin's Kettle Moraine, we offer plenty of those hills for kids to scamper up and explore, all the while living a healthier lifestyle.

We're big fans of programs like these and not just because they very much mirror what we offer at Anokijig. Programs like these help promote our natural resources to the next generation. Kids can sit in a classroom and learn about rain forests and the importance of protecting our environment, but no amount of classroom learning can ever replicate a hands-on experience in a natural environment. When kids have a better understanding of their natural environment, they have a better appreciation for it. That results in a society that truly values these irreplaceable natural assets.

It is a win/win scenario and we hope momentum for this cause continues to grow. We'll keep doing our part! If you'd like to read the entire USA Today story, click on this link.

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