Hey Camp Fans!
We would like to formally invite you to Tube-a-thon 2011! Our yearly weekend of winter fun and fundraising for a great cause. Snow tubing, snow football, a night at the water park, and much more while helping kids come to Camp. Read on for more details and look for the links to help get the tools you need to participate and raise the money you need to join us!
Why Should You Raise Money for Tube-a-thon?
Tube-a-thon is a great event! It’s great to see your Camp friends after not seeing them since last fall or even last summer. Tube-a-thon is a weekend filled with tubing, laughing, Blue Harbor Water Park, hanging out, snow football, and prizes. But who is it really intended for? Who benefits?
· Tube-a-thon raises money to help send less privileged kids to a week of camp.
· Our goal is to get as many kids as possible to Camp.
· Lack of the financial means to pay for Camp should not stop a kid from having all the great experiences you have had at Camp.
· All money raised goes directly to the Campership Fund
· The Campership Fund is used to help families send their children to Camp even if they can’t afford the whole fee or any of it.
· Last year, Camp Anokijig gave out 219 camperships. That’s 219 kids who otherwise would not have had to the opportunity to have that Camp experience.
· Don’t forget that even if you can’t physically make it to the event you can still raise pledges and support the effort.
· YOU are helping make a difference!
How Do I Raise The Money?
Not long ago, it was common to go door-to-door in your neighborhood and ask for donations. Times have changed and people are often more wary of people asking for money. You have to use some tools to your advantage.
· Ask people you know, like friends, teachers, neighbors, relatives, your parents friends, etc... Since you know them, they are much more likely to be receptive to your request.
· Arm yourself with information. To be a good salesperson, which is what you really are at this point, you must know your product.
o Be able to answer these questions
o What is Tube-a-thon?
o Why are you raising money for it? (see above)
o Who gets the money? (see above)
o How much are you trying to raise?
· Set a goal for yourself. Often everyone goes for the minimum. Instead of raising just enough to come for the weekend, why not try to raise enough for one kid to come to Camp? $540
· Challenge Yourself!
Tools to Help You Reach Your Goal
Follow the links to these additional documents to get you on your way.
· Tube-a-thon Flyer and Registration Form (Online form)
o Our basic information sheet about the event
· 2011 Pledge Sheet
o To tally up the money you raise
· Sample Letter #1
o This is a general fundraising letter to get you started. Just cut, paste, and personalize it, and be on your way.
· Easy Steps to Raise $300 in a Week
o Here’s a plan to keep you focused
· Who Do You Know Worksheet
o Help organize who you are going to ask to help
Last Thoughts
Be diligent. The only way you will attain your goal is by working at it.
· Be bold. If you believe in what you are doing it comes through in what you say.
· Be creative. Bake sales, putting a collection jar at your parents work, challenging another participant to a fundraising challenge, etc. Your imagination is the only thing limiting you.
· Challenge yourself. Make a goal and go for it. Ask for help. The Camp staff are here as resources. We will be glad to help you in your efforts or to bounce ideas off of. We want to see you succeed! Feel free to message, e-mail or call us. We hope to see you in January!!